
7 Effective Habits To Better Your Everyday Life

Let’s face it, we all have those moments where we hit the snooze button in the morning, procrastinate the big task we don’t want to do, and lay on the couch all day instead. We all know how those days make us feel, and it just simply isn’t fun. I’ve put together several habits that I have found helpful in making my days not just more productive but also more enjoyable. Hopefully you get something out of these that can help you in the same way…


1) Don’t Snooze

This has been a major problem for me ever since starting my full-time job post college. I don’t know about you, but I do not do well waking up at 6 a.m. I just don’t. I absolutely hate leaving my cozy bed in the morning. I tended to snooze for 10 minutes and then force myself to get up. But even that 10 minutes could throw off my whole morning.

I have recently started putting my phone on the opposite side of the room instead of right on the headboard behind me. I also changed my alarm tone to something far more annoying and put the volume on as high as it can go. This forces me to physically get out of bed and walk across the room in order to silence the very irritating alarm. This simply does not allow myself the option to push my alarm off for another 10 minutes. Although grumpy at first, this new habit has allowed me to stop snoozing and actually get up at the time I have planned for myself. I recommend trying this or a similar technique especially if you have a history of consistently snoozing.


2) Make Your Bed

I know everyone’s heard this one before. “Clean space, clean mind.” But I have to say… this is soooo true. Making your bed first thing when you wake up in the morning tells your mind that you are done sleeping, and ready to get on with the day. It also has you accomplishing a task within the first few minutes of waking up, how great is that? There is just something about seeing that tidy bed that has you start the day off on the right foot. And I don’t know what the science is behind this, but a made bed always feels comfier getting into it at night.


3) Do Your Hardest Task First

This is a hard one you guys, I know. No one wants to take on the biggest task on their to-do list first thing in the day. But it is well worth it. Here’s why… Procrastinating only makes things worse. It causes much more worrying and distraction than is necessary. Getting the toughest (or seemingly toughest) responsibility out of the way allows you to feel relief after simply tackling one thing on your list. This makes the rest of the things you have to do look far less taxing. So do your hardest task first and crank through that to-do list!


4) Stay Hydrated

This is probably another one you’ve heard a million times, drink water! Everyone knows that water is good for you. But do you actually drink enough throughout the day? I feel like for most people the answer is no. I am definitely one of those people, not gonna lie. But I am working on drinking more water every single day, and so should you! The body needs water to function properly and getting enough is really important. You won’t be able to thrive if you’re always dehydrated. So grab a glass and gulp it down or grab a bottle and sip all day!


5) Don’t Skip Meals

Here’s another that will help your physical well-being, eating. We all get busy during the day. It’s so easy to say, “I have too much to do, I’ll just skip lunch today.” DO NOT DO THAT! I don’t care how much work you have to get done, you have to each lunch. You have to give yourself the nourishment that your body needs in order to keep functioning. You won’t be able to get that work done if you are falling asleep because you didn’t eat enough.

I definitely struggle with this sometimes. But for me, it’s always when I’m home. I don’t have a solid plan for a meal and I just simply don’t know what to eat. And it may seem dumb, like just figure it out right? Personally, I get overwhelmed and sometimes it is easier to not eat a meal than to actually figure out what to have and then make it. This is why I recommend having a plan.

Whether it’s breakfast, lunch, or dinner (or snacks, those are important too ;D), have at least some idea in your head about what your options are. You don’t have to sit down and create an eating schedule for your whole week, sometimes that just isn’t realistic. But know what’s in your fridge or your pantry and have some ideas about what meals you will be eating that week. This way, when it comes to meal time, you’ll at least know what options you have to choose from.

If you work full-time in an office, I also would suggest bringing your lunches from home as much as possible rather than buying food out. This will encourage you to eat because you already have your meal set to go. Figure out what works for you, just DON’T SKIP MEALS!


6) Move Your Body

Many of us sit for most of the day, so it is so important to intentionally move your body. It can be 2 hours in your local gym or it can simply be going for a 15 minute walk. This will look different for everyone because every person has their own specific pace. Do what feels good and works for you. Having some kind of physical activity during your day, even though it takes time, can help you to be more productive in other areas. Releasing tension, getting more oxygen to the brain, and just feeling like you did something good for yourself can allow you to be more focused when completing other tasks. And who doesn’t love knowing that they’re doing something healthy for themselves? I’m assuming you do because you clicked on this post…


7) Reward Yourself

Once you’ve checked off your to-do list, gotten the work project completed, went to the gym, made the healthy meal choice, or taken the dog out for their nightly stroll, be sure to do something that you want to do. The other 6 habits I’ve discussed in this post are not necessarily the most fun. But this one should be. After a tiring day or week or month, it is imperative to have some time for yourself. Watch your favorite movie, take a bubble bath, eat your favorite meal, buy that item you’ve been eyeing, go bird-watching, whatever makes you happy. Just make sure that once you’ve done all of the other things you’re supposed to do, you also do something you love to do (your “synthesis” perhaps?).


You snooze, you lose…


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