About the Blog:

The name norasynthesis deserves an explanation. This term originated from my boyfriend (I’ll give him credit). He always thought it was so funny when we would step outside on the weekend and as soon as my face tilted up toward the sun, I would send my arms out wide and smile. He began calling my process of taking in the beauty of the moment ‘norasynthesis,’ a combination of my name and photosynthesis, the process by which plants absorb and utilize sunlight. We both realized how the smallest things can make me so happy. Feeling the sun’s warmth, cuddling up in a fuzzy blanket, hearing my jam on the radio, eating a delicious dessert, or laughing about something completely random are just some examples of the moments in life that bring me so much joy.

But this blog isn’t about me (that’s a whole different section – see below). This blog is about sharing that idea and allowing you and others to find their ‘synthesis,’ what makes them happy. I want to encourage people to make time in their lives for what sets their hearts on fire. What’s the point of running through life if you don’t enjoy it? Everyone has specific passions for a reason; they are meant to be pursued and shared.

My goal is to share my ideas, tips, encouragement, and support in the form of my own passions in order to help you live out your life with more intention. I am still learning and figuring out this journey, but I will share what I learn and have learned so far. Join me in the process and find your ‘synthesis.’

About Me:

I’m like any other girl in her mid-twenties just trying to figure out life. Born and raised in Connecticut, went to college in western New York, I am now living in Massachusetts. In college I received a Bachelor of Science in Imaging and Photographic Technology and minors in Imaging Systems and Psychology. I’m an Aquarius, an introvert, and a total homebody. I love dogs and rainy days. My hobbies include photography, dancing, hiking, reading, and playing Animal Crossing :P. I am still trying to figure out what the heck I’m doing with my life, but this blog seems like a great addition.