
Boost Your Confidence With These Simple Tasks

Need a pick-me-up? I think we can all use one once and awhile. It’s completely normal to not always feel on top of the world. But it is also important to have that feeling from time-to-time and be able to bounce back from a low point. So when you’re not feeling your best, here are some simple tasks that can boost your confidence level.


Get a Haircut

I am so guilty of waiting way too long between haircuts. My ends get all dry and scraggly and it just doesn’t have me feeling my best. Personally, I get self-conscious about it without fully realizing it. I’m sure many of you can relate.

Physical appearance, although not the most important thing, can really affect your overall mood and self-confidence. There’s a reason why it always feels so good when you come out of the saloon with a brand new do (especially if it’s been awhile). So whether it’s 10 inches off or just a quick trim, make that appointment and await the obvious question, “Did you get a haircut?” “Yes, yes I did.”


Wear A New Outfit

Another aspect of physical appearance that can greatly alter how you feel in your own skin is your wardrobe. Whether we realize it or not, wearing the same thing all the time can cause us to start feeling bored and stagnant in our style.

Change it up! I know for a fact that most of you have something hanging in your closet that you’ve never worn. Well, now’s the time! Dig something out of your closet that still has the tag on it or go shopping for something new. Either way, try a new look and maybe even step out of your comfort zone a bit. Try something more bold or in a color you’ve never worn before. Whatever it is, just wear something different! I promise you will get compliments you weren’t even expecting.



It’s not news. Working out is so good for boosting your mood and how you feel about yourself. Even if you’re not the most comfortable in your own skin, moving your body can help you appreciate your body in particular. You might surprise yourself by what you can do.

If you’re not an avid attendee at your town gym, no worries. Go for a jog or follow along to an online video workout. Do something that will make you sweat, and I promise you will feel better about yourself afterward. So get moving!


Remind Yourself Why You’re Great

I think this is a really important one. Knowing what makes you unique and why that is so beautiful really helps your self-image. It can be so easy to talk down to ourselves and be so critical of everything wrong with us. But there are so many good parts of who you are that you owe some attention to.

It may be helpful to take out a piece of paper and a pen and write down a list of things that you like about yourself. These can be physical attributes, skills, character traits, anything that describes you. Once finished, I recommend reading through these and remembering that all of these things make you an amazing person, and you should be proud. If your list isn’t very long, that’s okay, but I encourage you to do this from time-to-time in order to grow that list.

I also encourage you to ask your friends and family, anyone you are close with, what they like most about you. This can be difficult to hear, especially if you don’t have a lot of pride in yourself. But it can really help to hear an outside opinion and be able to add to that list of positive qualities. Remember what makes you you and why that you is so incredible.


It’s easy to be hard on yourself and recognize all of your insecurities. But it is so important to do the opposite. You want to be confident? Tell yourself why you should be. I assure you there are so many reasons, you just need to find them. If you need to make a change or do something different, go for it. Remember that you are a boss.


Get it!



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